Archive for September 17th, 2016


Escape, missing out, and dinner

September 17, 2016

1. Baby slept in until 6:30 today which was great, then S went to get her and brought her back to our bed where she rested against me for about ten seconds before she was roaming the bed and trying to climb over us to escape.

2. The teething is really getting to Baby, although both the bottom teeth have poked through. She took a very poor afternoon nap so I went up to see if I could nurse her back into a doze for at least a couple minutes. S walked by the room quietly and peeked in. I motioned for him to stay quiet and he left. He really was as silent as humanly possible, yet Baby heard him and promptly sat up on my lap to see what she was missing out on.

3. A nice dinner with my parents out in our patio. I served chicken korma and roasted broccoli, and mom brought a fresh salad with tasty homemade ranch dressing. We had chocolate and vanilla pudding served over a graham cracker crust and topped with whipped cream for dessert. Conversation was good, and Baby was pretty amiable.