Archive for September 16th, 2016


Grocery day

September 16, 2016

1. Our regular grocery store was out of ginger root, so we stopped at the store down the street from our house on the way home. I thought for sure Baby was going to protest the additional stop and buckling, but I got her into a cart and she was happy as could be, kicking her little legs and making soft baby sounds.

2. One thing I like about going to the grocery store after Baby’s morning nap is that we’re there for the food samples. Today I got to try beet cut spaghetti style sauteed with basting oil and curry spices, cauliflower rice, and cheddar cheese from NYC that had been aged for 26 months. The cheese was my favorite. They had it paired with fancy almonds, and they were very good together.

3. Putting away the groceries while Baby crawled around the kitchen doing her fake cough and fake laugh. She’s such a silly baby. When she sneezes now, she almost always includes a fake sneeze or two.